NASWA SWL Fest » Informal Poll of Past and Future SWL Fest Attendees

Informal Poll of Past and Future SWL Fest Attendees


Since the advent of COVID, we’re maintained an annual Fest by using the ZOOM platform.  This has proven popular and successful and will continue.  However, we have always considered a return to an “in-person” Fest something desirable if at all possible.  This year we decided to move the dates for the Fest to May to address two potential weather-related roadblocks to doing so:  ease of travel and the likelihood that the potential for illness lowers as the weather moderates.

This “unscientific” poll with help us determine the best course of action for the “‘Winter’ SWL Fest” this year.  We hope that everyone on these three platforms interested in the Fest will participate in this poll. Just follow the link below to participate.  Thanks!

Poll of Past and Future SWL Fest Attendees