NASWA SWL Fest » Online Registration — Zoom event

Online Registration — Zoom event

If you’re joining us via Zoom, all registrations are via Paypal. You must register by April 24th, 2025 — no registrations will be processed during the event.

If you register by April 1st, we’ve reduced the registration fee for the Zoom event is $15. If you have a Paypal ID, log into Paypal here and use the “send money” feature to send $15 to the address swlfest [at] That’s the most secure way to use Paypal.

If you don’t have a Paypal ID, you can pay using a credit or debit card using the “Add to Cart” button below. We have received a report of unauthorized Paypal transactions (not from us) for someone who used that feature, so do keep an eye out for that. Click the “Add to Cart” button below to begin the process of Zoom registration.

Registration Name